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Information & Data Security

achieving attractive returns without commensurate risk

Protecting AIM information from unauthorized access and accidental disclosure is a top priority. AIM pursues information security with the same commitment to excellence that we apply to understanding our client’s financial needs. This includes utilizing a variety of technical and procedural controls to mitigate existing technology risks and proactively address emerging threats. Key technology controls are identified, prioritized, monitored and tested to help configure our networks and applications.

We pay strict attention to potential conflicts of interests

Behind the scenes, we’re taking extensive steps

At AIM , we work hard to keep your information secure. Behind the scenes, we’re taking extensive steps to protect your information and your accounts - maintaining physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that meet or exceed federal standards. We adhere to strict institutional policies and procedures that limit the access to your personal information to those providing services on your behalf. While no company is immune from cybercrime, we employ fraud detection and mitigation techniques to reduce the risks of such crime. Of course, we understand that the protection of your sensitive information does not start and stop with Northern Trust. Clients play a critical role in the protection of on-line accounts – from protecting your passwords to keeping your computers patched and updated. Security, of your accounts and your information, is a partnership. To help you, we've provided some useful resources that are available.