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Real Estate & Property Management

We partner with experienced developers that have a track record of success, invests in properties in locations with high growth potential, offers investments in major markets with solid fundamentals to avoid potential bubbles and invests in projects that will improve neighborhoods, eventually boosting the properties’ overall value. We offer investors several different asset classes to choose from, including high-rise buildings or family homes.

Financial and Real Estate Advice

AIM employees bring more than 4 years of combined experience in the areas of real estate and finance. LFS has an extensive network of contractors and has executed in excess of 30 subcontracts made up of individuals and corporations. The expertise afforded by this network has allowed us to develop sophisticated and comprehensive approaches to help clients address challenges. Our financial advisers are professional who suggests and renders financial services to our clients based on their financial situation. Our Financial Advisors have complete specific training and hold a license qualifies them for the job! They also advice investors on real estate opportunities that are profitable.

Clients Benefits of AIM Financial and Real Estate Advice

AIM Financial and real estate advice provides a competitive advantage by leveraging your time with specialized financial expertise that cuts through the clutter, confusion and contradictory information by teaching you only what is relevant – efficiently, and with a minimum of hassle. When you leverage your financial coach’s expertise you bridge the gap between information overload and effective action so that you can convert all the work you are already doing into meaningful financial results. It’s a smart business strategy that produces greater financial success with less effort.